Tuesday, March 31, 2009

YSAs "Giving Is Living"

(L to R) Nephi, Eddie, Kat, Veronica, and Jiyoung. Behind, the "Old, Not Single Adults," who love serving with this remarkable group of Young Single Adults!

Since before Christmas, the Astoria Young Single Adults have been trying to complete their "Giving to Others" service project! It was canceled for one reason or another each month. Finally, a fifth Sunday presented itself and even though all could not stay and help with the delivery, they have been collected canned goods and food staples for the last 4 months. We were astounded at all the food these young singles donated to help a special family in need from our ward. The food was collected, bagged, boxed, and wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper and delivered to the most grateful family. They had a wonderful visit and it was a blessing to all, those who gave and those who received. Afterwards they came to our home for Sunday dinner.
"Go give to the needy sweet charity's bread.
For giving is living," the angel said.
"And must I be giving again and again?"
My peevish, petulant answer ran.
"Oh, no," said the angel, piercing me through,
"just give till the Master stops giving to you."

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