Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A New Assistant and New MTC Missionaries

Mission Assistants, Elder Warr, Elder Smith and Elder McLean

It's official! Today at the 12:00 Transfer Meeting, Elder McLean was introduced as a new Assistant to President Bennion. Elder Warr who has served the past 2 transfers, will serve as a trainer to a new missionary. That "greenie" is a lucky guy! Elder Smith has served for 1 transfer and Elder McLean who has served most of his mission with us in Zone 4, (as our District and Zone Leader), will probably serve as an "AP" till we complete our mission. We can testify of what a fine leader and missionary he is. It will be a treat for us to learn more from him, as each of these assistants are outstanding leaders. After picking the missionaries up at JFK Airport, they took them to Jamaica for a street sweep. That is one of the areas where Elder McLean is a star! He actually taught us how to approach people,"Watch Elder and Sister West, this is easy!" It was also great to see the "APs" organizing a meeting for after dinner, taking pictures, and in general assisting these new missionaries and President and Sister Bennion. Elder and Sister Bulloch who arrived to serve in the Mission Office also were invited. It was a very choice group.

We had the opportunity of serving a lovely ham dinner (Sister Bennion had ready in the oven), to the new missionaries that arrived at the Mission Home. What tired, sweet, wonderful missionaries, 9 elders and 2 sisters. It was such a pleasure to meet them. They were each so appreciative of a "home cooked meal." After flying all day, many of them offered to help us in the kitchen. We visited while working together. They must know our secret, the best party is always serving and cleaning up in the kitchen before slipping out the backdoor! Thanks Bennions, for having us there.

Welcome ALL!!!!!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

What a beautiful group of glowing new missionaries! Isn't it a great assignment to be with them as they come fresh from the plane to the mission home? Nice post and great pictures Wests!