Saturday, March 28, 2009

"Welcome, Sister and Elder Bulloch"

Mission miles, mail, and mattresses, are a few of the responsibilities Elder and Sister Bulloch from Cedar City, Utah, will oversee in our mission for the next 18 months. Elder and Sister Burt returned to Logan, the end of February. For almost a full transfer Elder Swift (L), has handled all the mail, and Elder Rencher (R), the mission vehicles. This was in addition to all of the regular service they provide to the mission; checking all the cars at zone conferences, moving furniture in and out of pads, proselyting, and we have found they know almost everything about this mission! Elder Rencher has served in the office for the past six months, as well as two transfers in Astoria. We are fairly sure he will be leaving our area on Tuesday. These two elders have been training the Bullochs and they are doing amazingly well. Office work involves long hours and lots of follow up. We understand from the Conlins that Elder and Sister Burt reported their mission last Sunday in Logan and it was a mini-mission reunion. The had fun telling colorful stories about NY cockroaches, bed bugs, and other problems they made a continual effort to solve. Sister Burt compiled all of the Mission Miracle stories for the book we each received for Christmas. We will always treasure it and appreciate all that the Burts did to support all of the missionaries here. We know after meeting Elder and Sister Bulloch that they will be a strength as well and look forward to getting to know them. We are so thankful that the Bullochs and Burts chose to serve. Congratulations to all!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Good to see the newest couple. We'll have to stop by the mission office and say hi...and find out a thing or two about them.