Thursday, March 12, 2009

OFF & ON: My favorite MAN

Three weeks ago we taught from Colossians at our Intitute classes. We finished Hebrews last night and have so enjoyed our study of Paul, the great apostle and missionary in the New Testament. He was a valiant witness and taught the truth about Jesus Christ and "the hope of glory," Colossians 1:27. My beloved companion taught from Colossians 3:5-25, "to become new creatures in Christ, we must overcome evil and develop righteous." He made a list of the attributes of "Put Off The Old Man" and put them on a black t-shirt, and the attributes of "Put On The New Man" and attached them to a white t-shirt. He did a great job of teaching the concept and importance of preparing for the 2nd coming of Christ, so that we can "appear with him in glory." He saved the lists and put them above his chair next to his dresser to remind him of the attributes he is trying to put off and put on! One morning as I walked in our room he was putting on his socks and shoes with Paul's lists behind him. I begged him to let me take a picture so I could remember always that moment. I am so happy I am married to such a wonderful man who has so many Christ-like attributes. I am reminded of this every day in one way or another, and our mission together has helped us to grow and strengthen one another.

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