Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"Sunrise Sunset" a Musical Look Back.

After a delicious dinner, our dear friends Lin and Sharon dePaula shared a delightful program with us. We first met the dePaulas when we entered the MTC together. They sang with the Tabernacle Choir for 18 years and served a first mission at the Brazil MTC. Now they are serving as CES missionaries with us. We are so lucky! They live out on "The Island," in Bay Shore, but we see them often at our CES training meetings, socials and at conferences. They began by singing together, "Sunrise Sunset", accompanied by Sister Comer. Then Sister dePaula who is an incredible pianist accompanied Elder dePaula as he sang several of his classical favorites. He has a most beautiful first tenor voice. Between musical numbers Sister dePaula shared memories about their years of service as members of the choir. We related well to their real life touring stories with huge highs and lows. Our hardest challenges become our greatest joys.

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