Friday, September 12, 2008

Wonderful Woodside District... the Best!

We managed to survived transfers well and met with our district last Friday for our regular meetings. Elder McLean is now a new Zone Leader with Elder Jemmett. Elder Imlay is our new District Leader and we are amazed at how well he is leading our group. Our biggest surprise was hearing that Elder Rencher was transferred back to Astoria. He's a great Elder and we are so thankful to be serving with him again. He feels right at home again and he and Elder Werner are hoping to involve the Astoria Ward members as they invite their friends and neighbors to learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thanks President for yet another group we feel very thankful to serve with. These missionaries are astoundingly incredible! Front Row (L to R) ASL Sister Folsom, Hermana Brown, Hermana Cunliffe, new to our district, but not to the mission, she's been serving for 16 months from Salt Lake City, Sister West, and Zone Leader Elder McLean. 2nd Row (L to R) ASL Sister Grover, Hermana Thomas, has served 6 months, from Spanish Fork, Utah, Elder West, and Elder Teerlink. 3rd Row (L to R) New District Leader, Elder Imlay, served 13 months from Riverton, Utah, Elder Rencher, who is back to serve in Astoria, from Philadelphia, Penn, served 14 months, Zone Leader, Elder Jemmett, and Elder Werner. Aren't they a great looking group...we just love them!

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