Monday, September 1, 2008

Extraordinary Guests...The Low Family

Elders Low's family arrived Saturday night from Perry, Utah. We met them at the Astoria Ward on Sunday morning and were so pleased they could join us for dinner. They are here, staying in Manhattan for three days where Elder Low will join them on Tuesday evening. They will pick him up at the Bennion's home in Port Washington. He was so excited and thrilled to see them, but has stayed focused on the work. Elder Low has been such a fine missionary. He loves his family and the gospel and you can feel that from him. We will always remember that whenever we talked about something that was challenging, Elder Low would assure us that he had five sisters and could manage anything! Pictured above are Elder Low's parents, Roger and Mona Low, with Elder Low's cousin, Liesel Davis, who lives in Manhattan. Elder Low's two younger sisters, joined their parents for a week in NY, Stacie and Sara, and Elder Low and Elder Werner. What a blessing it has been to know this fine Elder and meet his wonderful family. He has represented them well. We know they will have a fantastic week here in NY, especially on Long Island where Elder Low served most of his mission. In the last six weeks we have grown to love Elder Werner, who has great enthusiasm for the work, steps up to contribute in the Astoria Ward, and displays a great sense of humor and ready smile! He says he never been asked to be in so many pictures in his life. Keep smilin' Elder Werner!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

How we LOVE Elder Low! We were so pleased to get to know him out our way in Zone 8 "on the Island" as they say. He is a fine young man and examplary missionary.

Looks like you put on a good feast for his whole family:-) Of course!