Friday, September 12, 2008

Gissette...A Rego Park Ward Blessing

Elder Patton had the great privilege of baptizing Gissette Brito last Sunday. We were so glad we had the opportunity to attend her baptism. She is a new YSA in the Queens Stake, and we will be able to see her often. Elder Patton was so happy as this was the first invitation he had to baptize a new member. Bishop Sanchez welcomed her to the ward and Sister Haglund to the Relief Society. We were able to welcome her to the Young Single Adults and invite her to join us for dinner and the CES Fireside that evening. She and her friend, Jackie, came early and helped by cutting all the rolls for the barbecued pork sandwiches we served. Elders Williams and Patton, congratulations on your devotion in teaching and assisting this new sister learn about Jesus Christ and choose Him again. She enjoys serving and will be a great blessing to the Rego Park Ward and we were so glad to join in on this momentous occasion. Pictured above (L to R) Elder Williams, Gissette Brito, Elder Patton, and always cheerful, President Bennion, who attended four baptisms last Sunday.

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