Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Welcome to our row house! We live on the main level or second apartment. Zeina who is Greek lives downstairs and Eric and Michael from Israel live upstairs. We have a small backyard with a little patio and an Italian clothesline! We have the driveway where we park our mission Malibu sporting Idaho plates. We have a washing machine, so rare and wonderful, in our small isle kitchen. Our dining room window is above the garage and the living room window is next to it. We have two bedrooms and one bathroom. This is prime real estate in Astoria and we pay double for our rent than we ever paid for our homes in Idaho! Our new Bishop, Jason Howell and President Bennion get all the credit for finding our place.


Norm Rossell said...

Wow, I am impressed with the look of your apartment. We were deprived, that's for sure!! Darling kids, fantastic Easter your blog.....and YOU, TWO.

Sharon said...

Dear Elder & Sister West,

We love you like old friends! And we only met exactly three months ago today in the Provo MTC. That's what the gospel of Jesus Christ does helps us recognize people we already know. That's how we know we're in the right place at the right time doing the right thing.

We love being here in New York with you and learning from your giant spirits and limitless energy and enthusiasm.

Your blog is just wonderful!

Hugs, the de Paulas

Aaron and Kalle said...

Hello Wests,
I found your blog through Sean's. I love the world of the internet. Congradualations on serving a mission. I can't believe how your family has grow, what an accomplishment. My husband and I have 1 little girl. She is the light of our lives. We live in Dugway Utah. Aaron is a Meteorologist, and I am a stay at home mom.