Saturday, March 1, 2008

Where ere thou art....

After leaving our three sons at the MTC, it was such a blessing to have our Zach there to send us off. He was also with us when our dear friend and Stake President, Greg Moeller set us apart as full time missionaries. We are so thankful for the love and support we have felt from our family. We especially thank Zach for all of his help in getting us from Rexburg to Provo and all of his heroic efforts on our behalf. Chas and Zach are standing beside a historic capstone from Scotland that reads, "Where ere thou art, act well thy part." We shed a few tears together and said our good byes and our adventure began!

1 comment:

Kim and Sean said...

yeah, we are so exicted to be able to get the updates and see them live in action on your blog. I wanted you to know that when I showed Carter he couldn't stop pointing to your picture. He knows and misses you very much. We love you! Sean Kim, and Carter