Monday, May 25, 2009

"School of Rock"...Solid Teaching!

Friday our Zone Leaders, Elder Nehmer and Elder Sanford, pulled out all their creative notes at our CDM=Combined District Meeting, actually a Zone 4 meeting. When we walked in they'd written on the board, "Welcome to the School of Rock...Solid Teaching." They encouraged us to practice together to achieve the harmony we need to be an instrument in the Lord's hands. They used drums to signify the scriptures, our testimonies a guitar, and quality questions were represented by the keyboard. When the three were combined we had some beautiful music!

They talked about the harmony that existed in the "old 80's" video, Called to Serve. (We were laughing as we thought of watching this video when our 3 sons entered the MTC, and it doesn't seem that long ago!) Some of these elders and sisters had never seen it before and we heard lots of sniffling near the end. It's one of those movies that will never be too old to tug at our heartstrings. After Called to Serve, Elder Christensen who will be leaving the end of this transfer and Sister Crandell, the newest sister in our zone were invited to share their testimonies.

How lucky we are to have the APs in our Zone. They always add to the beautiful spirit that is there.

We love all of these wonderful missionaries. It's so much fun to meet with them and learn twice a transfer and at zone conference once each transfer. The Queensboro Zone totally rocks!

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