Thursday, May 28, 2009

Astoria Missionary Moments

We could not have been more impressed or proud of our beloved and genuine friend, Lydia, who gave her first talk in the Astoria sacrament meeting last Sunday. She told about a co-worker who introduced her to the gospel through example and unconditional love. Lydia was raised in a Christian home and felt that kind of love from her parents. After they both passed away, Lydia was searching for that in her life. She was baptized December 14, 2008. It's been a choice experience to watch her grow in the gospel, reach out to the ward, and work to improve herself. She thanked the missionaries who found her, our bishopric and the ward members who love her, and she bore a beautiful testimony about the truths of the gospel. We are so happy for her and so glad we've had the chance to teach her in our temple preparation class. Elder Pickering and Elder Norman spoke too, encouraging all of us to be missionaries working to make a difference. What a gift if we could all find more of the Lydias of this world!

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