Thursday, May 22, 2008

Queens Zone Conference--Always Enriching

Most Wednesdays we are teaching at Queens College, but because of final exams yesterday we had the rare treat of attending our own Zone Conference. President and Sister Bennion inspired us with their great insights. He admonished us to commit with love and be bold as we find those who are prepared for us to teach. In our mission it's called "fearlessly finding!" Both President and Sister Bennion spoke of the importance of staying focused in our work here. We also heard from two of our departing missionaries, spiritual giants in every sense of the word. We have appreciated serving with these fine young elders and will miss them when they leave on June 11th.
  • Elder Tyler Juergens, from Houston, Texas, has served as the Spanish AP since just before Christmas. His favorite part of serving in this special assignment has been getting to see so much of the mission and to know all of the missionaries well. We have observed his quiet, powerful leadership. He teaches by example. The missionaries in our district have talked of striving to be the kind of missionary Elder Juergens is. He bore a humble, sweet testimony of all that he has learned, all that he knows, and his desire to continue to strengthen his testimony. We hope to catch up with Elder Juergens after we complete our mission to see what he's up to. We can only imagine his bright future. He is a star!
  • We're sure you recognize Elder Gage Loftin, who we claim as our own after two transfers in Astoria. He compared his "glory days" as a high school football star in Spanish Fork, Utah, to the "real glory days" of serving as a representative of Jesus Christ. He quoted from D&C 128:22 and encouraged us to go forward with courage in this great cause. We have learned much from this young man. He follows the Spirit and Christ is foremost in his mind. He has blessed our lives in our home and as we have met with him several times each week. He bore a heartfelt testimony and then announced that during our lunch they met with Eugene, ''who committed them to baptize him on June 1st!" If we had one word to describe Elder Loftin it is valiant. We look forward to more glory days for Elder Loftin and we will be cheering for him!

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