Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Simply Sensational

Marvelous Manhattan from beneath the Brooklyn Bridge.

We hit the road Monday, June 15th to see two of our favorite former Astoria elders and visit Staten Island. Elder Patton and Elder Rencher have served together three different times, first in Astoria when Elder Patton arrived, in the mission office, and for Elder Rencher's last transfer in Staten Island.

Staten Island is the only borough of New York City we had not visited. When we asked the missionaries who have served there to describe it, they would surprise us by saying, "It's more like Utah!"

Traveling down the Brooklyn-Queens Express way Lady Liberty is off to the right and the Brooklyn skyline is to the left.

We love seeing trains, planes, and automobiles in each direction we look. We will miss the hustle and bustle of the city and yet long for the peace we feel in the West.

We crossed the beautiful Verrazano-Narrows Bridge that connects Brooklyn and Staten Island. It is 13,200 feet long, the fourth largest suspension span bridge in the world.

Our elders were hungry and waiting for us! We gave them a selection of 4 different kinds of restaurants to choose from and they both wanted pasta. Italian it was!

Trattoria Romano was a great place to visit and catch up. They were happy to be serving together again. We laughed about "the third time is the charm!" They are both the oldest sons in their families and want to set a good example for their siblings. It really shows and their parents can be so proud of them.

Elder Rencher and Elder Patton wanted us to see a little of the city, so after a tasty lunch together we headed out. Staten Island did not remind us of Utah, but they are some residential areas with homes that are more spread out like Utah neighborhoods. It is definately the most different part of the city that we have seen.

The Staten Island Ferry is a "free ride" to and from Battery Park on the south end of Manhattan. The elders and sisters often ride it and find people to visit with. It took us about 30 minutes each way and it was a lot of fun.

It was cloudy, windy and even cold, but we enjoyed incredible vistas off the front of the ferry.

We always thrill when we see the Statue of Liberty, and we were able to get some great pix of her welcoming all the world majestically in her harbor.

The stormy skies were amazing that day.

Historic Ellis Island processed over 12 million immigrant steamship passengers between 1892 and 1954. The main building was restored and in 1990 was opened as a museum.

We were freezing but enjoyed every minute!

On our return trip to Staten Island, the smoky Manhattan skyline got smaller and smaller.

Carnival's Triumph, made quite an entrance into the NY harbor, such a spectacular ship. We think maybe we're ready for another cruise! Anyone want to join us?

We said our final farewells to Elder Patton, knowing we would see Elder Rencher the next week. We had such a fantastic time with these two friends and will look forward to seeing them again.

The traffic on the BQE was bumper to bumper towards home. We made it as far as the Brooklyn Bridge, and decided to take a detour. We've had many friends tell us not to go home till we had Grimaldi's Pizza. Pizza is not on our "lifestyle list" but we threw all caution to the wind and stood in line for a chance of a lifetime experience!

We made some new friends while waiting for a table. One outgoing girl was from Astoria. She works at Kaufman Studios with the kids on Sesame Street. She frequents Grimaldi's, "at least three times a month," and told us to order a pepperoni pizza with extra cheese.

We did exactly what we were told and were not disappointed! It was the best pizza we've ever had, thin and crispy, perfect crust, sauce and fresh basil, with pepperoni and lots of cheese. We promised one another we would visit just once a year...we will be back for more!

We walked to the East River and drank in the beauty of our favorite bridge...

and the Manhattan Skyline. We will miss the lights and splendor of this city.

As I write this morning, Elder Rencher is flying home to his family in Las Vegas, Elder Patton is a new District Leader serving on Staten Island, and we are in the middle of packing our place. After working with Elders Rencher and Patton for several months here in New York, our p-day will forever be remembered as one of the best days of our mission. We will miss them and so many others we have had the joy of knowing. Thanks elders...we love you!


Caleb said...

Who was the photographer for the picture under the Brooklyn Bridge?

Renée said...

We offered to take a picture of a nice couple from Hungry and then they took our picture. I handed him my camera and he said he was a photographer. I've heard that people offer to take a picture and take off with your camera and I'm usually not comfortable. We're glad we got this one though.

Tyler Rencher said...

That was a super fun day. Thanks again.

Apparently my name will be Skolar...Don't know what's that's about since I didn't think I had an account with blogspot, but its Tyler writing.

Renée said...

Tyler...that will take some getting used to. Remember when Kristy and Jason Glass tried to guess your first name in 10 tries or less? If I remember right they got it at the end. We sure have some great memories of your days in Astoria with us. Glad you are doing well.