Thursday, October 9, 2008

Conference Blessings

We were able to catch Elders Werner, McLean and Rencher before they hurried off to pick up their investigators. Elder Werner and Elder Rencher had three investigators at Conference; William a 26 year old YSA, 42 year old, Ricardo, and Thiago who is 16. It was a wonderful thing to all enjoy watching Conference together, and visiting about it after. It brings to mind how much we have enjoyed General Conference in past years, but how much more of a blessing it is when we can share it with someone else.

These sisters, Hermana Thomas and Hermana Brown are as dear as any you will ever meet. Sister Thomas was asked to share what she'd learned during her study of 3 Nephi at our Zone Conference. She told us she was raised on a farm in Utah. She remembered asking her father, "Dad, how do you keep the rows so straight?" He explained that he always picked a landmark and that you just go from there. That makes it easy. Sister Thomas suggested that we look to 3 Nephi 19:35-36 as a landmark to assist us in our missionary work. She asked us to imagine the Savior saying, "So great faith have I never seen in my servant." Faith is our landmark and it makes the work easy. It was a profound sermon from a young servant. At our street sweep I wish all of you could have heard Sister Brown singing our incredibly, beautiful hymns with her soprano voice. People were stopping to listen to her and I was very inspired by her strength and confidence. Sharing this talent and giving to others is easy for her to makes our work easy.

The Saturday morning session begins here in the east at 12:00 PM. We were spiritually fed by our leaders and their wonderful messages. Then at 2:00 PM sharp the starving Woodside District gathered to enjoy angel hair pasta and meat sauce, french bread, (eight loaves) salad and baby cakes. We had a great time discussing the marvelous messages and what we learned from our leaders. Soon it was time to pick up investigators and the afternoon (4:00 PM) session. We are living in times of great trial and tribulation. The gospel of Jesus Christ prepares and helps us to deal with them. We were uplifted as we learned from our leaders. Our family has been had some difficult trials lately. We know that we will all be alright because of our faith in Jesus Christ. We are thankful for all that we learn from these fine young missionaries we serve with. They teach us each time we're with them. They are so helpful and appreciative of all that we do. We love them. Full and ready to work again are Elder Jemmett, Elder Teerlink, Elder Imlay, Sister Cunliffe and last but certainly not least, my senior companion, Elder West.

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