Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hearts Were Softened at FHE

Our YSA/SA Family Home Evening on Sunday was a huge success. Poochie's pasta and Crytal's FHE lesson were enjoyed by all. We always seem to have a great number who attend FHE and we are amazed at how far the food stretches. We have seen some miracles happen! Crystal Perez from Richmond Hill Branch taught from Matthew on the Beatitudes. She discussed with us how our Savior taught blessed are the poor, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst, and those who are persecuted, and how the success-oriented world teaches us the opposite. We talked about the importance of being humble, submissive, peacemakers who witness to all of the world that Jesus is the Christ. Steve, (standing above, is much more "soft-hearted" than he appears) and charming Gabriel, (who was brought to his knees) congratulated and thanked Crystal for a most meaningful lesson. Elder West and I so appreciate faithful Grace, the Queens Stake Single Adult Leader who serves so well, time after time. She gives a great deal of energy contacting all the YSAs/SAs to keep them informed about upcoming activities and then is there to set up, organize, serve, and clean up with a smile. We are so glad that our calling allows us to serve with and help her. We hope she will have other single adults to help her. Tony Moustakas was sustained as a committee member from the Astoria Ward this past week ... a good thing for all. Time for another BBQ Tony!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Sounds like an amazing FHE and spiritual experience for all who attended.

I'm impressed with the quality of these young people. The Lord is really preparing them to receive the gospel.

Thanks for sharing!